When you said that you're afraid to waste your time, but you just end up wasting it anyway, I felt that all the way to my soul. I'm trying not to see anything I do as a waste anymore, but it's definitely not an overnight process 🤎

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Apr 12Liked by Amani Hope

so good, so lovely, and oh so timely. as a person who spent several years pursuing a phd i don't exactly use anymore, i think about dedicating such a long time to any new things so much. but the time passes by anyway, indecision or not.

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Apr 11Liked by Amani Hope

i feel like i’ve been grappling with this ever since a big breakup a few years ago, and only now did it all really click!! thank you for writing!

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This is all too relatable. I found this feeling really hit hard for me when I finished the "traditional pathways" like finish high school, go to uni, get a job, go to uni, get a different job. And suddenly I was where I had planned to be but didn't think of where else to go after I got there. It was like, now what do I do that as big and grand as this life path I've already completed? What is worth my time now. It was debilitating because to an extent I had been told what was correct and worthy. But I love how you put it as spend your time with what brings you the most value. I feel a but more free to live in the moment and also accept that time is going to pass so I might as well pick something and see what happens. Lovely post, thank you.

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Apr 10Liked by Amani Hope

I love this, especially because I’ve been feeling lost lately in what I’m supposed to be doing. Remembering to take a step back and value everything I do is good advice in the long run. I’ll definitely be trying to shift the mindset :)

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Ever since grad school + working full time + running a tiny business, I have been trying to follow this code: whatever you choose to do, do not spend the entire time thinking about how you should be doing something different. That is the only kind of time wasted. easier said than done!!

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That’s brilliant Natalie! Too true, I’ll definitely be telling myself this

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Was just going thru this myself is it the eclipse ?? Retrograde?? Idk but I feel you and have no answers other than I guess we keep doing what we do

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I love this so much. It’s like you’ve taken the words right out of my mouth!

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A beautiful piece Amani! And SO true. What the hell is the right thing to do? No clue - but it doesn't matter! There is nothing like disability to make you a philosophical queen :) uncontrollable life of pain = enlightenment 😉 Keep going on those writing projects baby. You're doing IT!!! All that matters x

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Been having a lot of these same thoughts recently, way more so since turning 40. My main way of dealing with it is to not pay too much attention to what other people are getting up to. It doesn't help me forget that I'm a middle-aged man living a mediocre life with no end in sight, but I can more easily convince myself we're all stuck in the same boat, so let's all be cynical and miserable together.

I'm available for motivational speaking at all sorts of events, should you require one.

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