Reading this made me feel seen. I feel too much and to know that someone in another corner of the world feels the same is reassuring. Loved what you have written!!

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That’s really great to hear Bharti 🥰

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May 24Liked by Amani Hope

From the kombucha to the off-kilter shoes to the unconditional care, this is so beautiful!!

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"I’ve been doing well, so I fear I will come apart." this, exactly!

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Been feeling in a strange liminal state these last couple of weeks. Thank you for giving it a voice ❤️

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I loved this Amani - 10/10

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May 25Liked by Amani Hope

I needed this. Literally everything I was feeling today word for word. Thank you so much for posting.

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An ex of mine once told me, smiling: "No one will ever fully understand you." It used to ruin me. I felt lonely and misunderstood. As you wrote, it seemed to signify that, at some level, communication will always break down. Since that time my relationship to this has changed, because I realized: hell, I don't fully understand myself. I am always changing and growing and, yes, even contradicting myself. I act irrationally and emotionally. I avoid my emotions. I go back against my word and make mistakes. And I am loved anyway. The people who want to know me continue making that effort to take in more and more data of who I am each day, with each conversation, and I learn more, in turn. We keep returning to each other again and again, even if it takes a while for the wounds from the last time to heal. I think, knowing this, being reminded with your great post, I finally understand why my ex was smiling when they told me this. Thank you.

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As someone who greatly disliked being misunderstood, this made me want to look at it in a different way. You’re so right. I don’t even understand myself. I think we, as humans, are very complex beings. I love your entire comment, especially the part about being loved despite all of this.

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I found my way here through a note while I struggle with interview prep. Similar to an earlier comment, I feel seen reading this and relieved that feelings/thoughts that have alienated me from other people seem not to be as unique as they've been perceived. Thanks for helping my weary and restless mind feel a bit of ease.

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Beautiful writing! Your communication with your writers is getting better. Very good downloads indeed. It is great to reflect on your past life and be able to leave it in the past and start a new you! Life has so much to offer once you start looking up! Keep writing, you are beautiful!!! 🤩

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Reading your work always feels like you're putting into words the thoughts I can never articulate. These lines in particular: "I wonder, is everybody feeling as much as I am? How can that be possible? If so then why is the world still spinning? Why are we not spontaneously combusting?"

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I feel the exact same. Had a terrible day yesterday, after having very stable weeks. I still don’t know how to deal with myself and the way I feel. Only thing that helps me is that feelings come and go, and when they go I usually ‚forget‘ about it. Not forget meaning I don’t know if it anymore but more so I just don’t know the intensity of that feeling anymore.

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